Mission Statement
To spread a proven therapeutical method through art and music benefitting children and adults

Paint the Music Now
is changing lives one stroke at a time.

Color for the Eyes and Music for the Soul

For more information please contact us.

Founder and Artistic Director: Jacqueline Nilsen


 Clinical Study

Jeremy H. Greenberg, Ph.D., BCBA-D

Dr Jeremy Greenberg  PH.D., BCBA-D of The Children’s Institute of Hong Kong conducted the world's first study along with Paint the Music Now
on the class influence on autistic children

Dr. Greenberg's study, along with Wendy Lau and Sandy Lau, was published in the Global Education Review, Vol 3, No 3 (2016), Mercy College New York.


VIEW the study Teaching Appropriate Play to Replace Stereotypy Using a Treatment Package with Students Having Autism.

Dr. Jeremy H. Greenberg is the director of The Children’s Institute of Hong Kong. In his previous position, he served as Educational Coordinator at the Manhattan Children’s Center in New York where he has retained his role on the faculty advisory committee.

Throughout his work in the field, Dr. Greenberg has worked as a special educator, supervisor, administrator, and behavior analyst where he has effectively and efficiently provided teacher training and consultation to both public and private schools in New York and New Jersey. Dr. Greenberg’s professional certifications include Board Certified Behavior Analyst, New York State Education Department Permanent Special Education, School District Administrator, and Supervisor and Administrator of Schools. Dr. Greenberg earned three Masters’ degrees in special education and his doctorate in Special Education Applied Behavior Analysis from Teachers College Columbia University after earning a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology.

The Crisis Prevention Institute certifies Dr. Greenberg in the application of nonviolent interventions. He presents annually at the International Association for Behavior Analysis Convention where he has been a member since 1993, and has publications in professional journals in his field. Dr. Greenberg’s research areas of interest include verbal behavior, teacher training, cost benefit analysis, and systems management of behavior analysis applied to schools.